At least for now Pillow Talk is available only in Finnish.
Sometimes it can be challenging to talk about certain things with friends & family, fearing that no one will understand. It can be difficult to publicly comment on texts or posts you relate to, even if you'd really like to.
Sometimes you can't find the right place or moment to talk openly about your thoughts, experiences, feelings or things. I wanted to create one. I wanted to create a safe place to talk about these topics together. That's how Womankind Pillow Talk was born. Pillow Talk is arranged virtually via Zoom once every two weeks. Each Pillow Talk has a different topic. The topics can be seen in advance and registration is easily done here on my website via the "Sign up" form. Pillow Talk is completely free for every participant and does not oblige anyone. I want to bring the members of my community closer together, all of us closer to each other. I would hope that you could get to know each other, share ideas, and maybe even become friends through Pillow Talk.
In Pillow Talk, you can talk virtually among women in
a "pajama party" kind of atmosphere over a glass of wine.
I get incredibly beautiful and sensitive private messages from many and I would like us to share these stories with each other in Pillow Talk, confidentially. What is shared in Pillow Talk - stays in Pillow Talk.
Pillow Talk can only accommodate 10 women at a time, so that the group remains small and everyone has the opportunity to be heard if they wish. Pillow Talk is a place only for those who want to be trustworthy to each other.
Just like in front of my camera, you can also appear in Pillow Talk exactly as you are. No matter what clothes or look you feel good in. You can listen, you can talk, you can ask questions, you can comment and most importantly; you can also be quiet. No one is forced to share their thoughts or experiences. You can join to get inspired and feel the female energy by taking the time just for you.
sign up now!
Each Pillow Talk is limited to 10 amazing women at a time. When all places are filled, I'll send you an invitation to the Zoom video call by email.
By participating, you agree to the terms of the Privacy Form.